Residential Move Transfer Appeals Procedure

The following is designed to assist applicants wishing to appeal the decision of an OHF Member to deny a Residential Move Transfer (RMT), by outlining the procedure and possible outcomes. 

Please note – OHF Staff are not to make recommendations, suggestions, interpretations or other opinion-based statements as it relates to the rational for the Member denial, additional documents to include in the appeal package or possible outcomes for the Appeal Application.


The following information is surmised from OHF Regulation 7 and OHF Regulation E92(l)-(s).

The OHF Registration Committee is made up four panel members and a chair. Each Minor Member has representation on the Committee. The Committee Chair only votes if there is a tie.

Applicants are not able to communicate directly with the Chair or Committee members, unless it is requested from the Committee.

Step 1 – Appeal Submission

An applicant has 7 calendar days from the receipt of a RMT denial to submit an OHF Appeal. All necessary documents required for the appeal application will be provided with the denial.

These are:

  • OHF Registration Committee Appeal Form
  • Statutory Declaration (this must be notarized)
  • Original RMT Application
  • RMT Denial

In addition to these documents, an appeal package must also include the response to the denial and any additional supporting documents (if applicable). It is suggested these be formatted in numbered paragraphs, to coincide with the denial points.

The entire package, along with the $150 administrative fee to:

400 Sheldon Dr., Unit 9
Cambridge, ON
N1T 2H9
Attn: OHF Registrar

Electronic copies of the application are also accepted, but please note, no decision will be released until the administrative fee has been received.

Step 2 – Appeal Reviewed

Once the package is received, the OHF Registrar begins the process of review stage. It is sent, electronically, to the outgoing Member (the same Member who denied the original application) for them to review the package and updated documents and provide any additional points.

In addition to the review by the Member, the OHF Registration Committee Chair will review the submission during this timeframe and make their own inquiries or comments. The applicant will receive this feedback from the OHF Registrar and may choose whether or not to respond.

Step 3 – Applicant Rebuttal

The outgoing Member will submit their updated position to the OHF Registrar no later than 7 days following the receipt of the RM Appeal Application. This updated position is then sent to the applicant, electronically, to allow them an opportunity to rebut.

Step 4 – Committee Call

The Committee Call is closed. Unless requested by the Committee, the applicant is not eligible to take part in the call. There are four possible outcomes:

  1. Approval – the RMT Denial is overturned and the new address approved as the applicant’s primary residence.
  2. Conditional Approval – the RMT Denial is overturned and the new address approved as the applicant’s primary residence, pending the receipt of additionally requested documents.
  3. Deferral – based on the documents provided, the Committee is unable to reach a decision and will request additional documentation or explanation.
  4. Denial – the RMT Denial is upheld and applicant’s primary residence remains the same.

Step 5 – Decision Received

In the case of the approval or denial, the process at the OHF level is complete. The applicant may choose to appeal an OHF denial to Hockey Canada. A conditional approval or deferral necessitates further submission of documents, as will be communicated to the applicant through the OHF Registrar. In the case of a deferral, the applicant needs to answer the requirements of the Committee and then an additional call will be scheduled. For a conditional approval, all the instructions will be provided in the decision letter from the Committee.